
The current situation of the development of ultrasonic vibrating screens

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The current situation of the development of ultrasonic vibrating screens

Ultrasonic vibrating screen is 220V, 50Hz or 110V, 60Hz electrical energy into 36KHz high-frequency electrical energy, input ultrasonic transducer, it becomes 36KHz mechanical vibration, the power ultrasonic wave generated to make the screen for high-frequency vibration. It is especially suitable for users with high value-added fine splits.

At present, under the rapid development of the economy, ultrasonic vibrating screen has been widely used at home and abroad, of which coal, chemical, metallurgy, pharmaceutical and other industries are used most frequently, with the progress of industry and the continuous innovation of science and technology, industrial enterprises urgently need more accurate and superb ultrasonic vibrating screen, according to the development state of screening equipment, it can be judged that the future such machines may be standardized in the future, automation, generalization, high efficiency, high output, environmental protection and other directions.

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